Monday 5 September 2011

Japan Postman Bicycle

Nowsaday people are looking for modern, complicated and stylish product. Not only for their gadget, house, transport and life. But we more prefer some kind like old-school, vintage and simple design. If you think you are click with any of this categories. Congratulation ! You are enter into a right places.

Japanese always sell their old stuff like furniture, clothes, kitchen / electrical appliances, so as bicycles too. We managed to found some vintage Japan Used Bicycles mainly imported from Japan. Here are the Japan Postman Bicycle picture and it is quite hit and hot nowsaday. Anyone interested, please contact us.

Bicycle Bells (It sound not like a normal bicycle bell). Because postman need to give attention to the house owner when they are sending mail.

Part of the bicycle

Bicycle Seat (Original).

I found this picture snap at the Philatelic Museum, Tokyo.

Japan Postman Used Bicycles (JUB 01A)
Price: RM 690.00 (Negotiable)
Quantity : Still available bundle of stock

Japan Postman Bicycle (For couples use) - JUB 01B
Price: RM 1,180.00 (Negotiable)


  1. I have this bicycle for sale. Call or whatsapp 60122178167

  2. It is an interesting blog for bike riders.used bicycles

  3. Is the original exterior tire of this available? and can it be sold in the Philippines?

  4. Are this still available what app me at +6588155641 do u sell parts
